
Home / Covid-19 Announcement

COVID-19 – Return to Office

As companies Return to the Office, IMC Water Coolers is aware of the concerns with providing amenities while balancing safety. Over the last 31 years, we have pivoted and adjusted to our community's needs, and current times are no different. We want to provide our clients peace of mind knowing we have a firm protocol in place and safely enter your workspace with preparation, care, and respect.

IMC Water Coolers is following CDC guidelines. We are deemed essential and have continued providing our clients with uninterrupted service throughout the pandemic. Our sanitizing procedures start at the office before the Technicians leave to service our clients and continues throughout the day. Alongside CDC guidelines, IMC further emphasizes the following to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our clients and staff:

  • IMC staff member's temperature is taken daily upon arrival.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are set up throughout, providing convenient options for mandatory sanitizing before beginning each workday.
  • Upon entry of our client's facility, technicians must wear company provided PPE, including masks and a new pair of gloves on each job site.
  • After each job, technicians remove and dispose of their gloves as well as immediately sanitize their hands.
  • Hand washing and hand sanitizer use throughout the day, including lunch and miscellaneous tasks, are required.
  • Technicians have a sanitizing solution to ensure their workspace can be quickly disinfected.


  • IMC products (coolers, ice machines, etc.) are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each service.
  • Clients are encouraged to use their pens to sign the necessary paperwork.
  • IMC practices and respects social distancing at all times.
  • If a staff member has had contact with anyone who has tested positive or has symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, they must immediately inform the office and self-quarantine.
  • If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they must quarantine and test negative before returning to work.

IMC is actively scheduling "Return to Office" unit cleaning and sanitation services, as well as filtration replacement and preventive maintenance services that are due or past due since the onset of the pandemic. If you would like to schedule a service call or have questions, please reach out to our office – 301-972-7115 or email us at [email protected].

As always, we are here when you need us and appreciate and value you and your business! Please stay healthy and hydrated.

Susan Bierly and Your IMC Team